Window to the Womb 2

Window to the Womb 2 - The Christian and Prolife Version


This 2 disc series, Window to the Womb 2, is perfect for a complete educational resource on the history of abortion, ultrasound and the testimonies of men and women who are breaking the silence as they share their personal stories of their tragic grief and pain of abortion. Combined with music and testimony this DVD series will be perfect for education in schools, churches, families and Pregnancy Center’s volunteer education.

Window to the Womb 2: Regular price: $44.95 Special Offer: $29.95

Disc 1: Ian Donald ” A Prophetic Legacy (1910-1987)
The pioneer of clinical ultrasound —for such a time as this! A documentary of Ian Donald, the pioneer of clinical ultrasound and the legacy he has left behind. In 1987, Sonographer, Shari Richard, accepted the call to continue Ian’s legacy and will take you through the 50-year battle of abortion fought with the powerful truth of ULTRASOUND: “The Window to the Womb” (50 min.)

Disc 2: Journey From Death to Life
Hear the voices of men and women who are breaking the silence as they share their personal stories of the tragic grief and pain of abortion. Combined with music and testimony, this message will bring healing and hope—to begin the journey back from death to life, from pain to healing and from denial to purpose. (Full version : 50 min.)

Abridged Version: Perfect for counseling and education in pregnancy centers, schools and churches. (28min)
Precious Life: A music video from unborn babies, displaying their beautiful creation of life in the womb. Using digital ultrasound and embryoscopy, this section is perfect for education and changing hearts. (5 min./Music in English and Spanish)